Legal Services for Startups

Have you ever had a good idea and thought you might be able to make a business out of it? Many people just like you have done exactly the same thing, but having an idea for a business and getting it off the ground can be two very different things. There is a lot to consider when starting up a business for the first time, and so it's important that you make sure you have thought of everything and take the current economic landscape into account to make sure that your plans are as robust as possible. 

At Lovedays Solicitors, we have extensive expertise when it comes to providing legal support for business startups in the UK. We understand many of the challenges that you might face and have all the legal know-how that you will need to make sure your business is not only successful but also compliant with all relevant regulations.

Overview of Business Startup

Most businesses start with an idea, so what should you do with it? You need to make sure that you go through a process of idea generation to try and identify the best basis for your new venture. It is important that you short list a few different ideas that could form the foundations of your business and then look further into. Consider what skills and knowledge you have that might be relevant and useful for a particular business idea, and whether there are any hurdles that might stand in your way.

You should also conduct some thorough market research to find out whether your business is needed, what problems it can solve and how people might feel about it. This can also help you to identify any competition that might already be out there so that you can find out what they do well and what you need to do differently.

It is important that you understand the difference between market demand and competition during this process. There may be a lot of businesses doing the same thing as you, but are there enough customers to go around? If it seems that the competition is still not meeting the demands of the audience, then there may be a place in the market for your business. and it can be time to take the next steps.


Key Elements of Business Startup

Once your idea is more concrete, you then need to think about creating a business plan. This should outline how your business will generate revenue and make profits by looking at the products and services that it will offer, as well as the target market and customer base. You also need to consider any strategies that will be used to market and distribute these products, and include plans for pricing, sales strategies and financial projections. 

This business plan needs to be thorough and well thought out as it will provide the foundations for much of your business. This is something that banks or investors will want to see before you are able to secure funding for your business and can also play a big role in financial compliance. 

Many businesses can struggle when they first get started, and so it's important to understand what challenges might lie ahead. Many of the issues can come from an eagerness to get started without sufficient planning and so this can mean that your business runs out of money or is not prepared for vital activities. It's therefore important to make sure that your business plan and market research is as detailed as possible and that you have covered as many essential areas as you can to help you anticipate any issues.

Financial planning can also be a big reason for business failures and so you need to make sure that you have a clear understanding of all the costs involved in your startup and that your products or services are therefore priced appropriately to enable you to still make a profit. Securing funding can be very important and can help you in managing your cash flow, so it's vital that you research the different types of funding that are available and how you can go about applying for them.

The Business Startup Process

Concept and Planning

The very first steps in your business start-up should be the process of brainstorming different ideas. You may have a particular niche that you want to work in, or a skill that you want to use, and so you should try and outline as many different ideas as possible that incorporate this. At this point, you will be in a better position to conduct market research to find out more about the demand for your product or service and the target audience. 

This will provide much of the necessary detail to help build your business plan. When you are trying to secure funding, banks and investors will want to know what the potential of your business is and so much of your planning at this stage will be able to demonstrate this. It should also enable you to put together some sensible financial projections based on research and tangible statistics. All of this planning will also enable you to build an effective marketing strategy as you will have a better understanding of who your target audience is and what they need.

Legal Requirements and Structure

When you first set up your business, you will need to choose a legal structure for it. You may want to be a sole trader if you are personally responsible for the business debts and are classed as self-employed. Alternatively, a partnership provides a simple way for two or more people to run a business together, whilst limited companies will mean that you are an employee of the company for tax purposes and the finances of the business are separate from your own personal finances.

You will also need to check whether your business requires any licences or permits, as well as any insurance. You should also make yourself aware of any rules that you need to follow should you decide to sell goods online, buy or sell goods abroad or store or you make use of any personal data.

There are also certain responsibilities for people who choose to work from home or rent premises for their business. If you take on staff, then you will need to have a good understanding of how to run payroll, how to pay their National Insurance and your responsibilities when it comes to providing workplace pensions and health and safety requirements.

Securing Funding

Many businesses will need a certain amount of money behind them in order to get started. Very few people have this readily available and so you may need to apply for funding. There are a number of different avenues that you can go down in order to achieve this, so it is important to analyse what will be best for you and your future business plans. 

Seed funding is the initial capital that a startup raises in order to get off the ground and can often be provided by friends or family or Angel investors. This can be challenging to achieve as the investors will be taking a risk investing at such an early stage. Alternatively, venture capital firms can be used to provide the same capital in exchange for equity or convertible debt. They are usually more interested in companies that have already demonstrated market traction and have the potential for growth. 

Crowdfunding has also proved to be a popular method. This is achieved through an online platform that allows startups to raise funds from a wide range of investors, including the general public, who can all choose exactly how much or how little money they wish to contribute. You may also want to consider going down a more traditional route of taking out a loan or seeing if there are any grants available in the sector that you are looking to work in. 


Execution and Management

Setting Up Operations

The next thing that you need to consider in your startup journey is how you are going to establish your business operations. One of the first things that you will need to think about is where you are going to set up your business. You may choose to work from home, you may want to buy premises, or it may be more prudent to rent a space for an office, manufacturing hub or retail outlet.

Once you have settled on your premises, you also need to consider whether you need to hire staff. You should therefore look at the most effective ways of finding the people with the talent that you require and also budgeting or reasonable wage requirements. 

During these processes, you need to consider the most efficient ways of operating in order to make sure that your business is not only financially viable, but that you are in complete compliance with any local laws as well as any industry relevant regulations.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

In order for your business to be effective, you need to make sure that people are aware that you exist. This means putting together a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy that outlines how you are going to reach your target market. You will need to create a strong brand identity which will involve looking at the design of a logo, any colour schemes and your online presence including a website, social media or Google advertising. 

You will need to consider all different types of marketing from cold calling to digital marketing, social media promotion and networking to find the method that will reach your target audience most effectively. You may be able to do some of this for yourself, but you should also budget for bringing in outside agencies who are able to do this in a more effective and successful way.

Ongoing Management and Growth

Planning to get your business started is one thing, but you also need to make sure that you are going through a process of continuous evaluation throughout the life and growth of your business. This will mean looking at what you have done so far and determining how successful each aspect has been in order to work out what is worth pursuing and where you might need to try something different. 

By doing this successfully, you will have more opportunities to scale and grow your business as well as giving you the chance to explore new market opportunities as you expand what you offer. It is important that you continue to look back at what you have done and how successful it has been in order to work out how your business can continue to move forwards in a way that is manageable.


How Lovedays Solicitors Can Help

At Lovedays Solicitors, we have the necessary legal expertise and commercial experience to get you where you want to be. We have experience in dealing with all different types of business start-ups, whatever niche or industry you choose to work in.

We can also assist with other practices such as business purchases and sales management buyouts and management buy-ins. Our friendly and professional team are here to assist you throughout the entire process and will offer you advice.

In an honest and transparent way, as well as converting anything we have to offer into a refreshingly practical context to make it easier to translate into your business. We can not only offer you legal advice when it comes to your business structure, any contracts that you may put in place and legal compliance, but we can also help with the incorporation of a company when required and provide guidance on essential documents and agreements that you need to put in place at an early stage. 

Our dedicated solicitors can take a look at all your business plans to help you identify areas where research might be needed and to put together a detailed business plan that can help you to secure funding and licences where required. We can also assist with registration of your business, having discussed the most appropriate business structure for you to make sure that everything is done correctly and legally.

When working with clients, freelancers or other businesses, we can also look at contracts that are being drafted to help make sure that they are correct. We can help to provide templates for any contracts that you issue to ensure that they cover all necessary aspects and can look over any contracts supplied to you from other businesses to ensure that they are legal and fair. 

We offer a comprehensive business startup service to help make the entire process easier and to increase your chances of success.


It is estimated that as many as 20% of new businesses fail within their first year and this is often due to poor planning. It is therefore essential that you go through a detailed and comprehensive process of looking at ideas for your business and creating plans, financial projections, and marketing strategies to give you the greatest chance of growing your business and seeing it flourish. 

You need to ensure that you seek professional legal advice at every step of the way and Loveday solicitors are here to help you. We can provide all the necessary services to ensure that your business is legal, compliant and successful so that you can go on to enjoy the fruits of your labour and watch your business thrive.


Frequently Asked Questions

What licences will I need?

There are many business licences and permits that may be necessary for business and these will be unique to the industry you work in. This can be anything from having a licence to play music on your premises to performing certain tasks or even to do with the materials you are able to use. It is therefore essential that you do your research to check exactly what is needed and then make the relevant applications.

What is an LLP business model?

A Limited Liability partnership (LLP) is a flexible legal and tax entity that gives each partner within the business their own limited personal liability for the debts or claims of the partnership.

What is an Angel investor?

An Angel investor is a business or individual who is happy to provide initial seed money for startup businesses in exchange for ownership equity in the company. This could take the form of a one-time infusion of money or an ongoing injection of cash in order to help get a product to market. These are not typically loan businesses and tend to prefer to simply put money into an idea that they like as they will only expect to receive an award if the business is successful.

In this article

Get Support Today

Starting a business is exciting, but it comes with its challenges. At Lovedays Solicitors, we offer expert legal guidance to help you navigate every step of your business startup journey, from securing funding to ensuring full legal compliance. Our team has the knowledge and experience to ensure your business is set up for success.

Don't leave your business's future to chance. Contact Lovedays Solicitors today for tailored legal support, and let us help you turn your business idea into a thriving reality. We're here to guide you all the way.

Free Guide

If you don’t know your leasehold from your freehold, then get our Free Conveyancing Guide. It contains details about the steps you will need to take with any property transactions. The Guide giving you detailed guidance on what your lawyer will be doing for you and what to look out for.

About Lovedays

Lovedays Solicitors, Potter and Co Solicitors and Andrew Macbeth Cash and Co Solicitors are the trading names of Derbyshire Legal Services Limited which is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 08838592. Registered office Sherwood House, 1 Snitterton Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3LZ.

Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under SRA ID number 637916.

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